Sunday, February 8, 2009

A story from Thomas Buergenthal

I listen to podcasts while commuting, quietly ensconced in my noise-reducing headphones world.

Earlier this week I heard a story both harrowing and moving, a spark of heroism from the depths of a Nazi death camp.

What I want to share is not so much the story itself (although that's below if you really want to listen) - but the wonder of how these stories echo down through time - often through the narrowest of corridors imaginable.

Thomas Buergenthal
(now a judge at the International Court of Justice) was a child, who was fortunate enough to emerge from the camp alive - later in life he grew to be talented and noteworthy enough to be invited on a mid week radio 4 wittering fest. This in turn was podcast - which I managed to listen to (I subscribe to far more podcasts than I can actually get through, so this is also a bit unlikely) - and now find yourself reading about it on a blog.

The event could have just faded away - as many, both good and bad, surely do.

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